
If you prefer, you can download a PDF version of the rulebook here.

The following rules are from the MTTPA Rulebook provided at If there are any discrepancies between what is provided below and the MTTPA Rulebook, the MTTPA Rulebook should be considered the valid source

2025 MTTPA Schedule

  • Grand Falls N.B. June 13th & 14th 2025 (Rain Date: June 15th)
  • Centreville N.B. June 27th & June 28th 2025 (Rain Date: June 29th)
  • Woodstock, N.B July 11th & 12th 2025 (Rain Date: July 13th)
  • Crapaud P.E.I. August 1st & 2nd 2025 (Rain Date: August 3rd)
  • Antigonish, N.S. August 30th & 31st 2025 (Rain Date, September 1st)
  • Caribou, ME September 13th 2025 (Exhibition Pull)
  • Petitcodiac, N.B.September 19th - 20th 2025 (Exhibition Pull)

New for 2025

  • Executive Update:
    • President: Randy Shaw
    • Vice-President: Jacob Horsnell
    • Treasurer: Megan Graham
    • Secretary: Chelsey Taylor
  • Add turbo blankets to chargers 3.0" intake diameter or larger (all classes)
  • No more plates for clutch/flywheel protection - only SFI-certified scatter blankets are accepted.
  • Two steel cable ties (minimum 3/8" size) or following NTPA rules are required on engines 414 cubic inches and above for added safety. Exempt classes: Heavy Pro Stock, Light Pro Stock, Super Farm, Blower Truck Class, 4x4 Modified Truck Class
  • Fire suits, harnesses, scatter blankets, boots, and neck braces must be replaced if expired by 2025 (pending FALL AGM)
  • All clubs only assign MTTPA #'s at their events and that clubs post all their results online within 3-days of their event
  • Truck Classes Clarification:
    • MTTPA Sanctioned classes:
      • Modified 2-WD Truck
      • Modified 4x4 Truck
      • 4x4 Street Stock - Gas
      • 4x4 Super Stock Truck - Gas
      • 8500 lb 4x4 Super Stock Street Diesel
      • 20,000 lb Semi Trucks
    • Even Exhibition Classes:
      • To be written as such on the event schedule
  • Proposal to form a committee of one representative per class to review rule changes and new class proposals. Representatives will be voted on in fall 2025.
  • Annual banquet budget to be raised to $10,000 CAN, up from $7500. 2025 Host: PEI
  • NEW Class: 7000 lbs Outlaw Tractor Class: Rules as written
  • NEW Class: 14,500 lbs Too Hot to Farm Tractor Class: Rules as written
  • Pullers will be responsible for hooking on and removing the PTO drive shaft. If this is done by a pullers helper the tractor will need to be shut off during hooking up or unhooking the dyno. The dyno operator will supervise.
  • All tractor operators will be responsible for making sure their tractor's PTO shaft will accept the MTTPA dy and our adapters. This means if your PTO requires a hammer to get our dyno hooked, then it will be rejected.

General Rules

  • No Rain Caps Allowed on any pulling vehicles.
  • All tractors with turbo chargers must have a straight stack.
  • Rules presented today, November 14, 2015, will stay in place for a minimum of 3 years, unless 75% of people in class sign a petition to change/adopt rules. Safety issues are exempt.
    • If new business arises, the current President will call for interest by the voting members. There must be a minimum of 75% interest to proceed.
  • All pulling vehicles are to display registered MTTPA # visible on vehicle.
  • All pulling vehicles must pass tech and safety inspections prior to competition

Roll Cage

  • An Appointed MTTPA representative can inspect roll cages for Modified, Hot Stock, Pro Farm, and Pro Stock which must be built to the SFI specs. The NTPA organization will provide a sticker, only if the vehicle passes inspection. Correct paperwork must be provided. Sticker is good for 5 years. Or NTPA inspection.

Kill Switches

  • Kill switches must meet NTPA standards. Pulling vehicles must have an automatic ignition kill switch and or shutoff.
  • Track officials and/or tech-man have the option to check kill switches at any time, switches must be checked with engine running except that tech officials’ option to use ohm meters or buzz boxes. If there is any doubt as to whether the device is hooked up properly the engine will be started to check kill switch. All MSD mags must use kill switch approved by NTPA (trailer breakaway switch not allowed).
  • Kill switch must be mounted independently of drawbar and or wheelie bar.
Location of Kill Switches
  • Pro-stock, hot stock, pro farm, and modified tractors must be in the rear center of the vehicle (maximum 6" off center in any direction) and 48" above point of hook.
  • Any TWD and FWD truck must be in the rear center of the vehicle (maximum 6" off center in any direction) and 24" above point of hook.
Types of Kill Switches Mandated
  • Automotive types of engines that are spark ignition must use a waterproof, dust proof must use a tether type safety stop switch. On spark ignition engines the kill switch must break or ground the ignition circuit and if the vehicle has an electric fuel pump it must also break current to the fuel pump or pumps.
  • On diesel engines the kill cable must activate the air shutoff, no electrically operated air shutoffs.
  • NOTE: A cable may be used for this purpose but must have a positive type of enclosed cable for the air shutoff. The cap must have a spring-loaded closing mechanism. System to be deemed acceptable must at least prevent building boost. It is recommended that a gasket or seal arrangement be used to shut off air flow more effectively. Door or rain cap type shutoffs (no butterfly type) will be required on all self-ignition engines with a separate control for the driver. Control for the driver must not be the same control as for sled.
  • Breakaway kill switches must have minimum 2" diameter solid ring with no less than 1/8" cross sectional thickness attached to them. Portion of the kill switches and mounting brackets must be able to withstand 32lbs of pull per switch when pulled independently or collectively. All single pin breakaway switches must be able to pivot left or right of center.
  • All vehicles carrying onboard start batteries must have a quick disconnect method. Diesel and fuel injected ignition engines must have fuel shutoff valve control within easy reach of the driver. Diesel engines must be equipped with an emergency shutdown air shutoff at the air intake that can be operated at the driver’s seat.

Track Rules

  • MTTPA track length will be at minimum 30ft wide and 310ft long with restart line at 100ft. Floating finish will apply to all classes unless otherwise specified.
  • The pulling vehicle must remain within the set boundaries of the contest during the pull. If the vehicle touches or crosses the out of bounds lines, it will result in immediate disqualification even past the 310’ line if the lines are clearly marked.
  • All stock tractor classes will have a floating finish line unless otherwise stated at the drivers meeting at the beginning of the event.
  • Club voting members have the authority to make mid-season rule changes ONLY IF safety concerns arise. This would require a vote from each club to be made official.

Club Guidelines

  • Strongly recommend, for safety reasons, club bring in pit passes for pullers/crew. The staging areas are for pullers/pit crew only.
  • Strongly recommend that each pulling track have a full barrier in place (ex. jersey barrier, guardrail, etc. - this cannot be used as public seating) to separate competitor vehicles and the public. It is recommended that the boundaries of the pull track be at minimum 15' away from any fan with a separated safety barrier.
  • The Dyno must be within a clear and unobstructed view of the pulling track.
  • Strongly recommend that each club has an EMO Plan (Emergency Measures Plan) or, at minimum, a team in place in event of a medical emergency.
  • Promoters and clubs will have an official MTTPA Announcer and Dyno Assistant available upon request if one is not available from clubs. Notice within 30 days of your scheduled event date is required. This will be added to the club invoice at the descretion of the MTTPA executive, in addition to their standard club fees.
  • Drivers Meetings are mandatory and will be held prior to scheduled start times of the first class. No event will start until this meeting has taken place and adjourned. MTTPA will provide a portable speaker/microphone to use at these meetings.
    Drivers' meeting is recommended ALL pullers attend - we are asking clubs to post the time and location and to be at least one hour before their event start.

Competition Rules

  • The test puller in MTTPA classes must be in the correct vehicle category. Pro Stock tractor class is exempt from this rule.
  • If a vehicle is legal when hooked to the sled and breakage occurs while under the green flag the pull will be measured, except for the loss of weights or safety equipment on to the track.
  • The pulling vehicle must be able to drive onto the track and back up to the sled at the starting line, unhook, and drive off the track under their own power unless breakage occurs.
    Note: Modified lawn tractors are exempt from this “back up” rule.
  • In the case of a class restart the competitors that have already competed have the following options:
    1. they may re-hook immediately,
    2. drop six positions,
    3. drop to last pull position due to mechanical problems.
  • Any disqualification on the first attempt bars a second attempt unless the class is restarted.
  • Competitor must pull at the position drawn within three minutes of the sled returning to the starting line and is ready for the next competitor. Delay will result in a disqualification (Judges Decision). If the track official is notified prior to the competitors time slot of mechanical problems the competitor may drop to second or last once they are called to the starting line. A competitor may drop in starting position only once per class. However, if the driver is called to the track for competition after dropping positions and is still not ready for competition, a disqualification will be automatic. The track official’s decision will be final.
  • If the competing vehicle is found to be over the permitted weight for the class that it is entered in, then that competitor will be automatically disqualified from that class.
  • Once a class has begun there will be no further registration for that class
  • No people other than the track officials and allocated crew members are to be on the track during the pull.
  • Any pulling unit must have an approved Tech and Safety tag loated on their unit with a clear view to the drag official. No unit without this tag will be given the green flag.
  • Weight of the pulling vehicle must include the driver and safety gear.
  • A tech-man will be present during the event and may use any testing equipment that is provided to them by the governing association on any competition vehicle at any time during the season as they see fit.
  • All decisions by the judges are final.
  • Contestants will be allowed a total of two attempts including the 100-foot rule to start the sled. If the driver lifts from the from the throttle in an attempt to stop their forward motion before getting to the 100-foot line, they will get a second attempt to start the sled. If no effort is made to back from the throttle, no second attempt will be awarded. However, the intent of this rule is not for the driver to apply the brakes before 100 feet or at any time, but to come to a smooth stop. Track officials will consider jerking the sled by backing out of the throttle grounds for disqualification.
  • Introduction of the 3-strike rule:
    1. Strike 1: Competitors/unit found exceeding limitations on the Dyno will be disqualified in that class as previously ruled and then competitor/unit will be given a 2-pass tolerance for the remainder of the MTTPA Circuit
    2. Strike 2: Competitors/unit found exceeding limitations again will then be disqualified from competition for the remainder of the weekend competition.
    3. Stirke 3: Competitors found disqualified at any point in the next event, competitors(s) will be restricted from competing in any MTTPA events for 366 days.


  • The chain should be set to the lowest possible position as per each class that is competing.
  • All pulls must start with the chain tight.
  • The sled must be re-adjusted if the competitor fails to reach the 125-foot mark on a regulation outdoor track.
  • The sled pan must be within the set boundaries at the start of the pull.
  • Sled must be NTPA certified. Exception Modified Lawn Tractor class & Stock Tractor.


  • During a pull-off the order of the pull will be in the order in which the vehicles competed in the first round and completed a full pull
  • In a pull-off all competitors shall be required to make an honest attempt to pull the sled. If he/she fails to do so they will receive the same money and points as the top vehicle that did not qualify for the pull-off unless they are unable to compete due to breakage. Once breakage has been confirmed by a track official that competitor will receive last place points and money according to the number of vehicles in the pull-off.
  • If a second pull off occurs, then those who have qualified for the second pull-off wish not to compete then points and prize money will be split between those competitors.
  • No test pull is allowed during a pull-off. The 100-foot rule does not apply during a pull-off


  • All drivers must be 14 years of age and must have written consent from their parent(s) or guardian under the age of 19. This also includes ALL classes under NTPA rules.
  • Only one driver may drive the same vehicle in the same class.
  • The driver must not leave the controls or the seat of the tractor during competition.
  • All classes except stock tractors must have an onboard fire extinguisher within the drivers reach when sitting in the driver’s seat.
  • All classes other than Stock, unless otherwise specified must wear SFI 3 2a-1 Fire Suit, SFI 3.3 Neck Brace and SFI 41.2 or DOT- Approved Helmet. Unless your class requires higher rating by NTPA spec. and proper footwear.
  • Only one (1) driver may always ride in/on any equipement throught the event grounds and on the track. Vehicles with the appropriate safety belts for passengers are excluded only while operating in the pit area. No other than one (1) driver to be in any vehicle while prior to, during, or after competition. Only one (1) driver to drive the same vehicle in a class regardless of pull-off, dyno out for placement, or returning to the pit area.
  • MTTPA membership and insurance must be paid in full to pull at the first event
  • MSPA/ASTTQ memberships are welcome at all MTTPA events, but MSPA/ASTTQ membership will not be adopted. All pullers will be required to purchase an MTTPA membership to compete for prize money and points at any MTTPA event.
  • Fire suits, harnesses, scatter blankets, boots, and neck braces must be replaced if expired by 2025 (pending FALL AGM).

Grounds for Disqualification

  • A pulling vehicle losing a weight(s) while under the green flag will automatically be disqualified.
  • No individual other than the driver may ride on the tractor, or in the cab of the tractor.
  • The tech-man has the right to ask any competitor to remove the side shields from the tractor for inspection of the engine. Anyone who fails to comply will be disqualified.
  • Intoxication will result in immediate disqualification.
  • Tech-man and track officials have the right to suspend any entry.
  • Illegal fuels: Nitro methane, nitrous oxide, or other oxygen carrying or combustion accelerators. All ether cans must be removed from the tractor during pulling competition.
  • Anyone found to be weighing more than the specified class limit after being weighed in will be disqualified.
  • Breach code of condut - per event/weekend

Points System

  • All MTTPA points will be amalgamated regardless of how many hooks were made at each event. Except in the stock classes where the points will be calculated for each class.
  • All points may be stripped from a competitor at any point in the season up to, and including that competition date if severe grounds for disqualification are found. NOTE: (event judges and executive committee decision)
  • Points are awarded 2 for Show, 2 for Hooking plus 1 for the last place finisher then counting up by increments of 1.
    Example 5 pullers:
    • 5th place: 2+2+1=5
    • 4th place: 2+2+2=6
    • 3rd place: 2+2+3=7
    • 2nd place: 2+2+4=8
    • 1st place: 2+2+5=9

Weight Classes

  • Modified Lawn Tractor 1,200 lbs.
  • Light/Limited Pro Stock 8,500 lbs.
  • Pro Stock 10,000 lbs.
  • Modified Tractor 7,200 lbs.
  • Modified Truck 6,200 lbs.
  • Super Stock Truck 6,200 lbs.
  • Blown Truck 6,200 lbs.
  • Stock Tractor 5000, 6000,7000, 8000, 10000, 12000, 14000, 16000, 18000 lbs.
  • Hot-Stock 10,500 lbs.
  • Light Pro Farm 8,500 lbs.
  • Heavy Pro Farm 9,500 lbs..
  • 4WD Super Street Diesel 2.6 8,500 lbs
  • 4WD 3.0 Diesel Truck 8,000 lbs
  • Modified 4x4 Truck: NTPA Rules
  • 4x4 Super Stock Street Diesel 8,500 lbs
  • Semi Truck 20,000 lbs

Pullers must pull in their registered class only. No jumping up.
NOTE: All class weights include the driver and all the safety equipment that is necessary for the class that is being entered.

Drawbar Heights

  • Light Pro Stock 20 inches.
  • Heavy Pro Stock 20 inches.
  • Modified Tractor 20 inches.
  • Modified Truck 30 inches.
  • Super Stock Truck 26 inches.
  • Blown Truck 30 inches.
  • Lawn Tractor 13 inches.
  • Stock Tractor 20 inches.
  • Pro Farm 20 inches.
  • Hot Stock 20 inches.

NOTE: All measurements are to be taken at the top of the drawbar, and as close to the center as possible.

Modified Lawn Tractor

Safety & Shielding

  • Two wheelie bars are mandatory on located at the rearmost point of the vehicle.
  • Kill switches and/or air shut off valves is mandatory.
  • All tractors must have working brakes.
  • Vehicles must be run in a responsible manner, failing to do so may result in a disqualification.
  • Kill switches must be within 12 inches above the drawbar and within 1 inch of center according to the width of the tractor.
  • A tether line must be attached between the driver and the shut off switch while the vehicle is under operation.
  • All lawn tractor seats are to be rigid and must be able to prevent the driver from rolling off of the tractor backwards.
  • A ring kill switch at the back of the lawn tractor and no coiled string.
  • Roll cages are strongly recommended


  • Engines must not exceed 4 cylinders or 1200 cc.
  • Engines must not be automotive, marine or airplane.
  • Engine must be mounted in front of the driver.
  • No bottled gas or turbo chargers are permitted on gas engines. However if a diesel engine is being used a single turbo is permitted.
  • The use of nitrous oxide and any associated equipment is not permitted.(i.e.. lines, nozzles)


  • Fenders and bonnets are mandatory. Snowmobile bonnets are not permitted.


  • Front ends must be rigid – snowmobile front suspensions are not allowed.
  • Total tractor dimensions will not exceed a total of 48" in width and 96" in length, with the exception of wheelie bars.


  • Dual tires, tire studs, and chains are not permitted in competition.
  • 26x12x12 max tire size


  • All weights must be safely secured to the tractor. Any weight or part of the tractor that falls off during competition under the green flag will result in disqualification.


  • The drawbar must be rigid in all directions and must not exceed 13 inches to the top of the plate. If the drawbar is not rigid the tractor will be refused for competition.
  • Lawn Tractors to have a hitch hole of 2" diameter and ½” plate with a minimum ½" throat.

Stock Tractor

General Rules

  • Stock tractors will be allocated two dyno passes per event.
  • If found over Horsepower tractor will have to dyno out the rest of the competition.
  • No computerized tractors allowed!
  • Stock tractors can be checked at ANY RPM’s
  • For each event, tractors placing "in the top 5" will be required to dyno-out (weigh and drawbar are at club/MTTPA discretion) immediately following their competition.
  • Reminder that only an MTTPA-appointed official can rule on a dyno pass. No one other than the MTTPA officials can test the vehicle in question.
  • MTTPA ISSUED COPY ONLY on dyno ruling.
  • No side shield on Stock tractors, except OEM


  • Competition will be open to tractors with rubber tires.
  • No dual tires, tire studs or chains are permitted, and tires must be rotated in the correct direction.
  • A tire size limit of 18.4 x 38 inches may be put on tractors up to and including 8000 pounds.
  • The maximum tire size for classes of 10,000 pounds and up will be 20.8 x 42inches.


  • The drawbar is to be a minimum of two square inches in total material (steel) at any point, and must be rigid in all directions. This will include the area of the pin with the hitching device not more than 1 ½ square (1 ½ inch round stock), or less than 1 inch square (1 1/8 inch round stock) and a 3"X3 3/4"-inch diameter hole.
  • Minimum length of the drawbar is to be 18 inches from the center of the rear axle to the point of hitch point.


  • All weights must be stationary and non-moveable.
  • All weights must be safely secured to the tractor (no bungee cords allowed) and must not extend rearward past the rear tires.
  • Threaded rod for weights on rear wheels must not extend more than 4 inches beyond last weight (including the axle).

PTO & Brakes

  • All tractors must be equipped with working rear wheel brakes and PTO.


  • Pullers will be responsible for hooking on and removing the PTO drive shaft. If this is done by a pullers helper the tractor will need to be shut off during hooking up or unhooking the dyno. The dyno operator will supervise (New per 2025)
  • All tractor operators will be responsible for making sure their tractor's PTO shaft will accept the MTTPA dyno and our adapters. This means if your PTO requires a hammer to get our dyno hooked then it will be rejected (New per 2025).
  • All tractors must have strong rigid seats; all tip up seats must be securely fastened during competition with a minimum of two points of contact.
  • All stock tractors must have stabilizer bars. The materials used to construct the bars will be left up to the owner/operator. However, the bars must meet NTPA stipulations and standards.
  • The stabilizer bar must extend a minimum of 32 inches from the center of the rear axle to the back of the tractor. Pad must not be more than 10 inches off of the ground at the 32 inch point and to be measured during hitch check before competition.
  • The stabilizer pad must be a minimum of 5 inches square (no wheels allowed) with a minimum of 20 inches allowed from the outside of one pad to the other.
  • Stabilizer bar and bar assembly is not to be mounted to the drawbar and drawbar assembly. NOTE: The stabilizer bar must be able to support the weight of the tractor in the heaviest class pulled. No crossbars between the stabilizer bars allowed past the point of hitch.

Engines & Fuel

  • Illegal fuels: Nitro methane, nitrous oxide, or other oxygen carrying or combustion accelerators. All ether cans must be removed from the tractor during pulling competition.
  • All tractors pulling in stock tractor classes can be subject to a dyno test at any time. At which time the track officials will have the option of taking over operation of you tractor for the duration of the test. Their will be a 15% tolerance above the tractors Nebraska Test rated horsepower. Please note this tolerance is meant to allow for changes in air temp and possible discrepancies in dyno’s. If you are tested and you go over your 15% tolerance you will be disqualified. No exceptions.
  • There is an exception to this rule in the larger classes thus the horsepower allowances for each class are as follows:
    • 5000lbs-50.9 horsepower rating allowed.
    • 6000lbs-60.9 horsepower rating allowed.
    • 7000lbs-70.9 horsepower rating allowed.
    • 8000lbs-80.9 horsepower rating allowed.
    • 10000lbs-100.9 horsepower rating allowed.
    • 12000lbs-120.9 horsepower rating allowed.
    • Exceptions:
      • 14000lbs-150.9 horsepower rating allowed.
      • 16000lbs- 181.5 horsepower rating allowed.
      • 18000lbs- 181.5 horsepower rating allowed.
  • Tractors with a higher than 181.5 HP Nebraska Test will be allowed to compete in the 18000lb class by turning the power down to the allowable limit for the class.
  • Stock tractors must maintain stock OEM agricultural parts. Ex engines, turbo, fuel pumps and exhaust manifolds etc. must have been available on the make and model # displayed on the tractor.


  • No braces, supports or weights extending to more than 13 feet from the center of the rear axle. With exception of a front tow hook.
  • Original wheelbase must be maintained from factory.

Naturally Aspirated - Outlaw Tractor


  • 7000lbs


  • ROP Required (roll cage is recommended).
  • Seat Belts Mandatory (firmly attached at housing by 4 points with min 6"x6" base).
  • Fall back seat required with seat to fully secure driver (race seat recommended).
  • Fenders Mandatory.
  • The fire extinguisher must be within reach of the driver.
  • Side shields are mandatory as per MTTPA standard.
  • Deadman throttles, safety kill switches for spark ignition.
  • Guillotine required for diesel tractors.


  • SFI certified Scatter blanket required.
  • Stock appearance.
  • No gear box (aftermarket).
  • Steel fly wheel required.
  • MSD box allowed. (Digital Spark)

Chassis / rear end

  • Tractors must use Stock transmission/ final drive housing.
  • Tie bars required.
  • Side shields required.
  • No cross branding on appearance.
  • No narrow front ends (all tires must follow same line).
  • Tie Bars required.
  • Fabricated frames and frontends allowed.

Fuel / Pump

  • Natural Aspirated ONLY - No power additives (i.e. Nitro's, propane, methanal, etc.)
  • Gasoline / Diesel fuel only.
  • Conversion from diesel to gas allowed.
  • Fuel shutoff.
  • Electric Fan mandatory.
  • If using electric fuel pump, it must be wired into the kill switch.
  • No fuel injection allowed unless using a diesel engine.


  • 360 Cubic Inch +1% MAX.
  • Max inline 6 or smaller.
  • Agricultural Motor Only.
  • Open RPM.
  • Harmonic balance 360-degree shield.
  • Max 2-barrel 500cfm carburetor.
  • Fabricated intake and exhaust allowed.
  • No dry sumps.
  • No aftermarket heads.

Tire size and type

  • 18.4" x 38 maximum.


Modified Tractor


  • Tire size: 30.5 x 32 with a maximum of 210-inch circumference when inflated to 19 PSI.
  • The tread width is not to exceed 32 inches.


  • Drawbar to be a minimum of two square inches in total material (steel) at any point. The drawbar must be rigid in all directions. This will include the area of the pin with the hitching device no more than 1 ½ inches square (1 ½ inch round stock), nor less then 1-inch square (1 ½ inch round stock) and a 3"x3 3/4"inch diameter hole.
  • Minimum length of the drawbar is to be 18 inches from the center of the rear axle to the hitch.


  • All weights must be stationary and non-moveable during the pull.
  • All weights must be safely secured to the tractor (bungee cords are not allowed) and must not extend rearward past the rear tires.


  • No portion of the tractor may exceed 14 feet forward of the center of the rear wheel.


  • The following engine combinations are permitted:
    1. Two naturally aspirated cast or aluminum big block automotive engine,
    2. One blown automotive engine being cast or aluminum,
    3. Three naturally aspirated small block automotive engines being 400 cubic inches or less.
  • Tractor may have any combination of engine, transmission, and final drive.


  • No drive shaft over 48 inches allowed, and no input or output shaft that is attached to the drive shaft may extend more than 4 inches beyond the bearing.
  • Minimum of 1 inch in material bolt at the end of drive shaft shield.
  • A minimum of 1-inch material to be in a pilot holder at each end of the drive shaft shield.

Safety & Shielding

  • Steel shield 3/8 inch in thickness and at least 6 inches wide or certified blanket must be affixed to the chassis around the clutch.
  • Only SFI-certified scatter blankets are accepted. (per 2025)
  • All modified tractors must be equipped with a roll cage and 5-point safety harness.
  • A fire extinguisher must be within reach of the driver when sitting in the drivers’ seat.
  • All modified tractors must have stabilizer bars. The materials used to construct the bars will be left up to the owner/operator. However, the bars must meet NTPA stipulations and standards.
    • (a) The stabilizer bar must extend a minimum of 32 inches behind a line drawn from the center of the wheel to the back of the tractor. Pad must not be more than 10 inches off of the ground at 32-inch point and to be measured during hitch check before competition.
    • (b) The stabilizer pad must be a minimum of 5 inches square (no wheels allowed) with a minimum of 20 inches allowed from the outside of one pad to the other.
    • (c) Stabilizer bar and bar assembly is not to be mounted to the drawbar and drawbar assembly. NOTE: The stabilizer bar must be able to support the weight of the tractor in the heaviest class pulled. No crossbars between the stabilizer bars allowed past the point of hitch.
  • Engine shielding must extend the complete length of the block casting and be securely fastened. Shielding is to be made of 0.060-inch-thick aluminum or steel. Shields must be solid, engine mounts, filters, steering rods etc., may not serve as part of the shield. Solid frame rails may serve as part of the shielding with no holes provided that it covers the required area of the block castings.
  • Fenders or tire shields must be constructed so that when the driver is seated and his hands are on the wheel, he cannot touch the rear tire with any part of his body.
    • Fenders to consist of barrier between driver and tire
    • Fender to be a minimum of 1 inch over height of tire
    • Fender to curl 4 inches horizontally from vertical edge over the tire in the same configuration as the tire, minimum length of 18 inches at top of fender.
  • Fender must be able to support the weight of the driver

Modified Two Wheel Drive Truck


  • The maximum length of the vehicle is not more than 15 ft from the center of the rear axle to the forward most position of the vehicle including weight racks.
  • The 15 ft from center of rear axle rule will apply to a TWD truck with the exception of a 10-inch over length allowance for cosmetic fiberglass only. No steel structure, reinforcement, or steel bumpers allowed past 15 feet. Tow hooks to be consistent with the 15 ft rule.
  • Any wheelbase is allowed as long as the 15 ft rule is maintained.
  • The front wheel and axle to remain in the visual center of the front wheel well. Maintain a minimum of 2 inches of complete original wheel well opening forward of front wheel. Must be able to see forward most part and rearward most part of tire from a side view.
  • Maximum width of the vehicle cannot exceed 8 ft.
  • Hitch hole to be 3x3 3/4" in diameter.
  • Chassis may be a truck frame or fabricated frame like modified tractors.
  • Any vehicle in this division must have vertical bumpers at the rear most point of the vehicle. Bottom of the bumper to be a minimum of 24 inches from the ground, and the bumper is to extend a minimum of 8 inches vertically. The bumpers must be rigid.
  • Tubular steel frames are allowed.
  • The vehicle must be equipped with a tow hitch in front of the vehicle.


  • Must run a minimum of 14-inch front rims with an automotive or front tractor tire.
  • The rear tire diameter shall not exceed a 143-inch circumference when mounted on an 8-inch rim and inflated to 28 PSI.
  • The ground patch is not to exceed 19 inches based on original tread.


  • Weights are not to extend forward of maximum length stated in rule 2 of the chassis section, or rearward more than 12 inches from hitch point and must not interfere with hitching and unhitching of the vehicle.


  • Any factory production body truck, car or van is allowed including passenger type bodies.
  • Funny car type bodies and or fiberglass bodies must have an escape hatch, or door in the top of back or the body only if the vehicle is not naturally aspirated. If the vehicle is of the blown type, the escape hatch also does not need to be present if the driver is wearing a 3-layer fire suit.
  • Vehicle must have hood, grille and fenders in place as intended by the manufacturer.
  • Vehicle body style must be or have been available from a dealer as a mass produced vehicle.
  • Fiberglass hood scoops, spoilers, fender flares are allowed. Stock appearing pickup truck and van fiberglass bodies and body parts are allowed.
  • Driver must be in original driver compartment.
  • Side doors must be mounted and closed if vehicle was manufactured with doors.
  • Vehicle doors must have a single latch design allowing the door to be opened from both the inside and outside.
  • Flip top body style vehicles that do not have two working doors must have the door glass lowered or removed while under the green flag.
  • Vehicles with less than stock size window openings must have an escape hatch with a minimum size of 17 x 18 inches, or large enough for the driver to exit. Note: The escape hatch will not be counted as a working door.
  • All TWD vehicles must have a presentable front windshield of glass, Plexiglas, or Lexan. Factory tinted glass accepted only.
  • Hood line variance: original hood line may be modified to accommodate speed equipment.
  • Vehicle must have a bed floor or box cover.
  • Vehicle may compete without a tailgate or rear door for greater hook visibility.
  • The vehicle must have a complete firewall with no holes except for controls. The holes for the controls must not exceed more than a ½ larger than the controls.
  • Flip top bodies must have a safety lock to hold up the body

Engines & Drivelines

  • Engine to clutch to transmission to be constructed like modified tractors.
  • Torque converters, automatic shifters, etc. are permitted.
  • No electronic, pneumatic, or hydraulic systems that can affect the clutch system are allowed. All staged or variable released clutches of any description are prohibited. (This does not include the slave cylinder for the clutch pedal).
  • Super chargers will be permitted in the Super Modified Two Wheel Drive class only.
  • Engine limitation for cubic inches is 600.
  • The engine must be mounted in a stock location, which is defined as being within the engine compartment as manufactured, behind the stock grille, and in front of the stock firewall.
  • Vehicle may run without a radiator, and engine maybe be moved forward, but it must stay behind the grille.
  • Except for high performance type starters with crank shaft drive, rear of engine block may not be moved forward of the center line of the front axle.
  • Engines are only allowed to run a maximum of 2 valves per cylinder head and one spark plug per cylinder.
  • Fuel injection, carburetors, and headers may protrude through the hood.
  • Vehicle must have vertical exiting exhaust. The height of the pipe must be a minimum of 1 foot above the hood with a 10-degree variance in any direction.
Rearends (non-planetary type rearends)
  • If a planetary rear end is not used, transmission to final drive must be like 4WD trucks.
  • Vehicle must have (3) round metal loops of shielding on each drive shaft. (Two-piece drive shafts must have (6) metal loops).
  • The loops for the drive shaft shielding must be a minimum of 3/8 of inch aluminum or 5/16-inch steel, ¾ of an inch wide or wider and not more than 2 inches from the drive shaft in any direction.
  • The end loops are to be placed no further than 6 inches from the universal joints, with the third loop in the center of the shaft.
  • Drive shaft between the engine and the transmission must have solid shielding of a minimum of 3/8-inch aluminum or 5/16 inch steel.
  • Only SFI-certified scatter blankets are accepted. (per 2025)
  • Vehicle must have 360 degree metal shielding around the universal joints, 3/8-inch aluminum or 5/16-inch steel and must be a minimum of 6 inches wide.
  • Axle and hub bolt shielding is required except where planetary final drives are used. The shield must be at least 0.06 inches thick, (ii) minimum diameter of axle end or hub bolts to be covered on front and rear axles, (iii) mounting shield may not be mounted to the axle end or hub bolts. (iv) A hole may be installed in the center of the shielding so a lock can be operated, so long as hub and axle bolts are covered.
  • No counter balancers are permitted in the driveline.
Rearends (planetary type rearend)
  • If planetary rear end is used transmission to final drive must use modified tractor shielding.
  • All remaining drive transmissions excluding manual transmissions must be enclosed in 5/16 steel or 3/8 aluminum round stock, and the inside diameter must not exceed the outside diameter of the largest universal joint, fastened to ever 6 inches or closer with 3/8 or larger bolts (grade #5), or butt and seam welded, and securely mounted to the vehicles frame. Applies to all vehicles with an exposed drive shaft. No more than ¼ of the driveline shall be visible with the driveline shield in place.
  • Note: If U-joints are used in any drive shaft application, the shielding must be 5/16-inch steel or 3/8 inch aluminum with a 1/8 inch steel insert. The insert must be a minimum of 6 inches wide.
  • All TWD vehicles engine/automatic transmission combination must have 2 front engine mounts, 2 rear engine mounts, and a support saddle for the rear of the transmission with a ½ inch of maximum clearance.
  • TWD vehicles with drive shafts 60 inches or longer must have a minimum 2-inch nylon strap in the middle of the span to secure the drive shaft to the frame

Safety & Shielding

  • Only SFI-certified scatter blankets are accepted. (per 2025)
  • Vehicle to conform to provisions of modified tractor shielding.
  • An area of 5 inches wide and 12 inches high immediately above and below the drawbar must be free from all obstructions.
  • Flip top or funny car type vehicle must have the body in the lowered position before the vehicle can be moved under its own power.
  • If the vehicle is not naturally aspirated (blown, supercharged) and does not have 2 working doors, an onboard halon fire system with a minimum of 3 nozzles located within the drivers/engine compartment is required. However, if the competing vehicle is of the open cockpit design then this onboard system is not required.
  • The body may be raised to start the engine and may stay in the raised position while the engine is running as long as the vehicle in not in motion.
  • A fire extinguisher must be within reach of the driver when sitting in the drivers’ seat.
  • Steel shield 3/8 inch in thickness and at least 6 inches wide or certified blanket must be affixed to the chassis around the clutch.

Modified Four Wheel Drive Truck


  • Will follow NTPA Rule Book


  • Will follow NTPA Rule Book

Safety & Shielding

  • Will follow NTPA Rule Book


  • Will follow NTPA Rule Book


  • Will follow NTPA Rule Book


  • Will follow NTPA Rule Book

8500 lb. 4 x 4 Super Street Stock Diesel 2.6

  • Turbo charger 2.6, limited to a 2.6" opening, intake wheel must protrude 1/8" inside opening.
  • Draft shaft loops required.
  • Dual wheels allowed
  • Nitrous, propane not allowed
  • Intercoolers allowed
  • Exhaust must exist upwards with (2) 3/8" bolts mounted 1" apart as close to the turbo wheel as possible.
  • P-Pumps allowed must be stock appearing
  • D.O.T tires 35x12.5 max tire size
  • Max wheelbase 161"
  • Must have helmet and fire suit (fireproof overalls)
  • Hitch height is to be 26" at the point of hook before, during and after pull. Hitch must be rigid in all directions
  • SFI certified blanket required (per 2024 annual meeting)

8000 lb 3.0 Diesel 4x4 

  • OEM Chassis. This vehicle must retain a full 3/4 or 1 ton size chassis.
  • Must have breakaway switch (shuts off truck).
  • Engine must be from a 1 ton or smaller
  • Must have driveshaft loops
  • Must have a transmission blanket
  • Only SFI-cerfitied scatter blankets are accepted. (per 2025)
  • Must wear a fire suit and helmet
  • No nitrous or propane
  • Exhaust must exit upwards with (2) 3/8" bolts mounted 1" apart as close to turbo wheel as possible
  • D.O.T tires 35x12.5 max tire size
  • P-Pumps allowed must be stock appearing

Super Stock Two Wheel Drive Truck


  • 408 Cubic Inch Maximum engine size
  • Stroking and destroking of engines are permitted.
  • Only cast-iron blocks and cylinder heads are permitted. Aftermarket blocks and cylinder heads are allowed if they are of cast type.
  • Aluminum cylinder heads are not permitted.
  • A single carburetor is permitted, or fuel injection if factory equipped for that year's truck and block.
  • The engine must be naturally aspirated.
  • Open headers are permitted and must exit either in a vertical fashion (within 10 degrees of vertical) or down and back exiting towards the rear of the vehicle.
  • Any intake, ignition, cam, piston, or dome will be permitted.
  • Engine must be same brand as truck.
  • Nitrous oxide and its equipment or any other oxygen carrying fuel additives is not permitted.
  • Alcohol is not legal fuel for this class.

Clutch and Transmission

  • Any clutch or torque converter may be used.
  • Aftermarket clutches and torque converters are permitted.
  • Any automotive transmission and transfer case may be used.
  • Quick change transmissions and transfer cases are not permitted.


  • Any stock automotive type rear end may be used and does not have to match manufacturer of vehicle competing.
  • Quick change rear ends are not permitted. If the competitor is using a Ruckstell style rear end, they must not be able to change speeds from within the driving compartment.
  • Planetary rear ends are not permitted.

Bodies and Chassis

  • There shall be no hood alterations except to allow clearance for fuel and exhaust.
  • Any body style including mini trucks (i.e. ranger, Dakota, and S-10, S-15) will be permitted.
  • Open style fiberglass T-Bucket bodies will be permitted. (NOTE: a seatbelt or 4-point harness must be warn)
  • Fiberglass replacement body parts will be permitted.
  • Vehicle must maintain stock wheelbase according to the manufacturer.
  • Car bodies are not permitted.


  • Maximum tire size is 15.5 x 36 inches.
  • “V” tread type tire is not permitted.
  • Cutting and grooving tires are not permitted.
  • Maximum rim size is 16.5 inches.
  • Good Year Terra tires and DOT approved tires are permitted.


  • Fan and water pump must be shielded; however electric fans and water pumps do not have to be shielded.
  • All harmonic balancers must be shielded.
  • Steel inner fenders and/or engine side shields must be present and must extend to the top of piston travel.
  • All U-Joints must be shielded 360 degrees with ¼ inch steel and must be a minimum of 6 inches in length
  • All drive shafts must have 3 loops of 36-degree ¼ inch steel, and must be a minimum of 1 inch in width.
  • Scatter shields must be 360 degrees; thus, fully surrounding the clutch and flywheel.
  • Only SFI-certified scatter blankets are accepted. (per 2025).


  • The point of hitch to the center of the rear axle shall be no less than 36% of the wheelbase.
  • The drawbar cannot incline more than 2 inches per foot of drawbar length.
  • Drawbar must be rigid in all directions and must not be able to move during competition.
  • Hitch hole to be 3x3 3/4" in diameter.


  • Two-wheel drive trucks must have working rear brakes.
  • Four-wheel drive trucks must have working front brakes.
  • Individual cutting brakes are not permitted.


  • Weights on the front of the truck cannot exceed more than 60 inches from the center of the front axle.
  • Weights cannot extend past the point of hitch at the rear of the vehicle


  • Kill switch is mandatory and must meet NTPA rules.
  • Back up lights are mandatory.
  • Neutral safety switches are mandatory.
  • Fire extinguisher must be within the reach of the driver when sitting in the driver’s seat.
  • All fuel tanks/cells must be outside of the driving compartment.
  • All batteries must be outside of the driving compartment.
  • All two-wheel drive trucks must have wheelie bars (2) located at the rearmost part of the vehicle.
  • If clubs are offering a super stock truck class for MTTPA points that class, you would also need prize money for those MTTPA trucks as well regardless of whether they are running in with trucks from another club that run under a different set of rules or not.

10,500 lb. Hot Stock


  • 10,500lb


  • 540 cubic inch max
  • Two steel cable ties (minimum 3/8" size) or following NTPA rules are required on engines 414 cubic inches and above (New per 2025).
  • Injector Pump: A Pump max


  • Diesel Fuel only (no Bio Diesel)


  • 3" in 3" out max
  • Turbo blankets to chargers 3.0" intake diameter or larger (all classes)


  • not exceeding 20.8” x 42”


  • Safety Belts
  • Air shut off.
  • Fuel Shut off (dead man) Ball Valve
  • Wheelie bars
  • Factory ROPs or Equivalent, Capable of exceeding weight of vehicle
  • Inspected by MTTPA Tech Man
  • Tie bars from bellhousing to center section.
  • Top Safety Bar from ROPs to tie bars.
  • 2 3/8 bolts x in Exhaust as per pro farm
  • Bellhousing shield or blanket
  • Side shields will be mandatory both types inner and outer, using same specs for the shields as Pro stock
  • Steel clutches and flywheels will be mandatory on Hot Stock tractors
  • Only SFI-certified scatter blankets are accepted. (per 2025)
  • Helmets, long pants, and/or fire suits and no open footwear is to be a minimum strongly recommended.

Too Hot to Farm Tractor - Diesel Class


  • 14,500lbs


  • Standard MTTPA safety rules apply.
  • ROPs and wheelie bars mandatory.
  • Helmets recommended.
  • Role cage is recommended. (Helmet required if roll cage installed.)
  • No shorts, long pants and steel tow boots required.

Turbo Charger

  • 2.46" in x 2.93" out “sealed" max box charger (SXES300 - unless using OEM charger. (Available through Pryor’s Dyno & Repair and or Fair Valley Performance.)
  • Guillotine air shut off mandatory.
  • All tractors must be equipped with a restrictor pipe that measures no less than 1" long and must have an inside diameter of no more than 2.46" and must be mounted on the face of the intake side of the turbo.
  • 3000 RPM max (to be teched immediately following competition (Top 5 in class).
  • No Water Injection allowed.


  • SFI certified scatter blanket required.
  • keep stock appearance on transmission housings.
  • No gear box (aftermarket).

Chassis / rear end

  • Tractors must use Stock original frames and OEM chassis. (i.e. No component / tube).
  • Tie bars required.
  • No cross branding on appearance.

Fuel / Pump

  • Maximum P Pump allowed.
  • 3-way Fuel dump valve with return to tank required.
  • Diesel Fuel Only (no additives i.e. oxygenated fuel, bio diesel, propane, nitrous).


  • 505 Cubic Inch MAX.
  • No recast heads.
  • Cross over pipe must follow shortest route to stock intake.
  • 4 Cross bolts in exhaust pipes are mandatory.
  • Stock OEM intake and exhaust manifold only.
  • No dry sumps.
  • No Aftermarket Intercoolers allowed.

Tire size and type

  • 20.8 x 42 maximum.


Light Pro Farm Tractor


  • 8500 lbs


  • 24.5 x 32 max
  • Puller brand tires allowed.


  • 414 cubic inches max
    Note: All 426 Allis Chambers are allowed in class as is with factory engine but will keep stock manifolds.
  • Engines must have massed produced for brand of tractor
  • No marine or aircraft engines allowed.
  • Any engine that has been increased or decreased from original CID must be checked by tech for cubic inch before installed.
  • Engine cylinder head must match block, 2 valves per cylinder max
  • May change exhaust manifold to accept up to T4 base.
  • May use adaptor plate on turbo engines to accept up to t4 base.
  • No aluminum heads allowed.
  • No aftermarket cast heads IE: Hypermax
  • No overhead cams are allowed.
  • No intercoolers or aftercoolers
  • Two steel cable ties (minimum 3/8" size) or following NTPA rules are required on engines 414 cubic inches and above (New per 2025).


  • Inline electric or gear driven fuel pump is allowed
  • P Pump max with 13mm plungers
  • One plunger per cylinder
  • No oxygen carrying agents (ether, propane, nitrous)
  • No computerized or electric controlled fuel systems allowed.
  • Supply pump either electric or gear driven
  • If electric pump used it must be wired into kill switch and ignition
  • Turbo 3inch in 3inch out max
  • Add turbo blankets to chargers 3.0" intake diameter or larger (all classes per 2025).
  • All exhaust must exit straight up within 10degrees of plum
  • Exhaust pipe must have 2 3/8 inch bolts crossed with an x pattern within 1 inch of each other and within 3 inches of turbo exhaust
  • Tractors May run bio diesel.
  • OEM intake and exhaust manifold are not mandatory.


  • Must use OEM rear end, transmission center section engine and tin work
  • May upgrade gears in transmission, no gear boxes allowed.
  • May upgrade frame rails and front end, front tires must track in rear.
  • Will use stock rules for draw bar, weights and safety shielding.
  • Only SFI-certified scatter blankets are accepted (per 2025).
  • Side shields must be easily removable. (No Bolts)
  • Safety All Safety Rules including shielding and SFI requirements apply to this class i.e.: Pro Stock

Heavy Pro Farm Tractor


  • No larger engine than 540 cid + or -1% (diesel fuel only)
  • Engine head must be OEM, agricultural type (no aftermarket head) for that brand of engine.
  • No overhead valves allowed, maximum 2 valves per cylinder.
  • OEM head and manifolds for same brand of block and same series engine
  • OEM intake and exhaust manifold assembly only, no spacer between manifold and head
  • No altered or modified manifold, i.e.: Tubing or box –type manifolds
  • No intercoolers or aftercoolers
  • If an OEM intercooler manifold is used it must be disconnected from all cooling means.
  • OEM intake and exhaust manifolds are not required (as light program rules read)
  • Two steel cable ties (minimum 3/8" size) or following NTPA rules are required on engines 414 cubic inches and above (New per 2025).

Turbo Size

  • Maximum turbo 3 in and 3 out, slotted cover permitted. Maximum map width limit of .200”. MWE groove must be inside neck area where intake covered is measured at 3”.
  • Add turbo blankets to chargers 3.0" intake diameter or larger (all classes).


  • The maximum allowed size pump for diesel injection is P. pump (no aftermarket housing i.e.: Sigma 1 plunger per cylinder allowed)
  • (540 cubic inch) Charger cannot exceed 3” intake and 3” exhaust.
  • (466 cubic inch) Charger cannot exceed 3” intake and 4” exhaust.


  • 24.5 x 32 maximum tire sizes


  • This class shall compete at 9500 lbs.


  • Puller’s discretion


  • Puller’s discretion
  • ALL OEM chassis (no components)
  • All Safety Rules including shielding and SFI requirements apply to this class i.e.: Pro Stock
  • Only SFI-certified scatter blankets are accepted. (per 2025).

Light Pro Stock Tractor


  • Maximum tire size is 24.5 x 32.0 inches.


  • Drawbar to be a minimum of two square inches in total material (steel) at any point. The drawbar must be rigid in all directions. This will include the area of the pin with the hitching device no more than 1 ½ inches square (1 ½ inch round stock), nor less then 1-inch square (1 ½ inch round stock) and a 3-inch diameter hole.
  • Minimum length of the drawbar is to be 18 inches from the center of the rear axle to the hitch.


  • All weights must be stationary and non-moveable during the pull. All weights must be safely secured to the tractor (bungee cords are not allowed) and must not extend rearward past the rear tires.
  • Threaded rod for weights on rear wheels must not extend more than 4 inches beyond the last weight (including the axle).

Engines & Fuels

  • The following fuels are illegal: nitro methane, nitrous oxide, or other oxygen carrying or combustion accelerators.
  • All ether cans have to be removed from the tractor during competition.
  • The tractor maybe equipped with one single stage turbo charger.
  • Add turbo blankets to chargers 3.0" intake diameter or larger (all classes).
  • The OEM block of given brand to remain constant with that brand of transmission and rear housing as well as sheet metal. It cannot appear modified externally, except for normal repair or for the mounting of fuel injection pumps.
  • Pro stock class is limited to 680 cubic inches plus or minus 1%.

Safety & shielding

  • Roll cage MTTPA inspection (general rules)
  • Safety and shielding as per NTPA rule book for pro stock class.
  • Clutches must be inspected as NTPA rule book.

Chassis & Sheet Metal

  • All tractors that utilize tube ladder type frames must be covered on the outside with steel or aluminum 0.060 inches thick.
  • Tractors must have a hood and grill in place as intended by the manufacturer.
  • Sheet metal cannot cross the original manufacturer’s lines. For example, case to IH, or Oliver to Minneapolis Moline.
  • Sheet metal to be stock length and to remain in stock location.
  • The vehicle must have a complete firewall with no holes except for controls. Holes not to exceed ½ inch larger than the control.
  • Maximum wheelbase is 114 inches. The maximum distance from the centerline of the rear axle to furthest point forward is 13 feet.

8500 lb Light/Limited Pro Stock Tractor

  • Follow either NTPA Light Pro Stock or NTPA Limited Pro Stock Rules
  • Add turbo blankets to chargers 3.0" intake diameter or larger (all classes).
  • Exception of Roll Cage MTTPA inspection (General Rules)
  • Add turbo blankets to chargers 3.0" intake diameter or larger (all classes).
  • Exception of Roll Cage MTTPA inspection (General Rules)

20,000 lb. Semi Truck

General Rules

  • Twin-screw diesel semi-tractor with production commercial
  • Engines, manual transmissions, and rear ends Only. (Must be over the road type).
  • Hitch height to be 18”, minimum of a 3” opening.
  • Tires maximum size 11-24.5 or 1100-22", not to be cut. No Modified tires.
  • All rear axles shall be chained or fastened to prohibit Hitch height rise.
  • 20,000 lb. Maximum weight. Added weight cannot extend Back more than 50" from center of rear axle. Weight or hitch not to interfere with sled hook-up. No moveable Weights.
  • All trucks to be inspected by safety or tech committee.

Fifth Wheel

  • The fifth wheel may be moved forward of the center of the trunnion no more than 24" it may move to the furthest available position. Fifth wheels may be welded and non-movable.


  • All tires must be road use approved tires. Dual wheel and dual tires must be used on the rear axles.
  • No flotation Bar or single tires permitted on the rear axles.
  • No Chains or cables permitted.
  • No cutting of tires permitted,
  • Maximum tire size limited to 11.24.5 (22”-wheel rim).


  • If original vehicle has doors, there must be one and closed.
  • Truck must run with hood and fenders on.
  • Body modifications may be made to the truck if they meet safety & tech regulations and are presentable.
  • Any unsafe-appearing vehicle can be re-inspected by technical committee and be disqualified from competition Unless unsafe condition is corrected. If unsafe Condition is corrected, vehicle must be re-inspected before Competing.
  • All vehicles must have a suitable firewall between engine and the driver. If suitable firewall is not in place, technical committee will determine whether vehicle Can compete. If vehicle is permitted to compete, driver Must wear complete NHRA-approved fire suit, Including helmet and boots, during competition.
  • All batteries must be mounted outside the cab and be Secured.
  • All vehicles must have workable brakes.
  • Exhaust must discharge upward on all vehicles.
  • Fire extinguishers are required and must be operable.
  • Fire extinguisher must be within easy reach of driver.
  • All vehicles must be in neutral while being hitched or unhitched. Driver's hands must be off steering wheel and gear shifter and visible to track crew.
  • Vehicles must be always operated in a safe manner.
  • Driver must Always have complete control of vehicle.
  • No foreign materials may be intentionally spread or Spilled on the track by the vehicle competing.
  • All pulls will start with a tight chain; no jerking of Chain or sled will be permitted.
  • Drivers must remain seated during the pull and remain in the cab of vehicle until track officials permits Driver to leave cab. (Unless in fire emergency).
  • Obvious use of intoxicants or stimulants will be cause for disqualification of driver & vehicle.
  • Vehicle crew members will abide by the same rules as the driver and are subject to the same disciplines.
  • Crew Members will always perform their duties in a safe and orderly Manner.
  • Crew members will not approach Vehicle during or after pull unless permitted by track Officials. In the event of an emergency, crew members Will not interfere with the track officials in the performance of their duties.
  • Non-crew members must remain away from the track and vehicle during and after competition, or during an Emergency.
  • Driver must be qualified to drive and must demonstrate Ability to handle vehicle to technical committee.
  • No Drivers under the age of 16 will be permitted to compete.

Weights or Added Ballast

  • Weight cannot extend more than 50" from the center of the rear axle (weight included) backward.
  • Weight cannot extend more than 24" from the furthest Point forward (bumper, grille if no bumper).
  • Weight must be securely mounted. Any weight that hits the track during competition will be grounds for disqualification and that pull to be stopped by flag man.
  • Weight must not interfere with the hookup of the hitch or the hooking of the sled to the hitch.
  • No movable weights permitted during competition (such as hydraulic-controlled weight racks or boxes).

Chaining of Axles

  • All trucks will be chained down either air ride or leaf Spring suspensions.
  • The chaining shall be of the rear drive axle only, on Both sides of the axle, to the frame, with chain circling the frame so that the hitch cannot be raised.
  • Turn buckling the rear drive axle down so that it Will not moves upward is considered chaining.
  • Pinning the rear drive axle down so that it will Not move upward is considered chaining.
  • If the truck is a single rear drive, the drive axle Will be chained whether it is front or rear axle.
    • Example: one axle is an air tag.
  • Chaining up any axle is not permitted.


  • Only tandem axle semi-trucks will be permitted to compete.
  • No single axle trucks. No dump trucks. No specialty Trucks (well drilling, wreckers, boom trucks or roll off trucks etc.) Will be permitted to compete. No tri-axle trucks will be permitted to compete.
  • No vehicle may compete which has chained, pinned or in Any way raised the rear axle off the ground.
  • All axles Must be on the ground to compete, whether drive axles or not.

Power train

  • One production-available commercial truck engine only Will be permitted. No multi-engines. No non-commercial Truck engines (car, pick-up trucks, military, aircraft, Specialty engines such as redock, black, arias, etc.) Permitted.


  • If an engine is equipped with turbochargers, the total Number of turbochargers available for that engine Will be permitted. No additional turbochargers will be Allowed.
  • Add turbo blankets to chargers 3.0" intake diameter or larger (all classes).
  • Transmission and rear ends must be commercial semitruck Factory components. No specialty transmissions or rear ends permitted. Automatic transmission permitted.

7000 lb. 4 x 4 Street Stock – Gas

  • Class Will use Maine State Rule Book

6200 lb. 4 x 4 Super Stock – Gas

  • Class Will use Maine State Rule Book

2025 Fees

Club Fees

Club Fee $2000.00 (CAN)

  • This is to cover the club registration for an MTTPA event.
  • Use of the MTTPA name
  • Points
  • Tech man and tools
  • Rules
  • Website/Advertisement
  • Dyno maintenance, freight, and storage
  • Each paid club receives two votes at the AGM.

Membership Dues:

Full year Membership - $100.00 / per vehicle (CAN)

Fees include but not limited to:

  • cost per pulling vehicle to cover tech man services, and year end awards banquet.
  • Insurance Expense Fee: $20. This is per vehicle per weekend to offset the cost of insurance.
  • Stock Tractor registration will be charged an extra $20 fee for dyno operator.
    • Stock Tractors are allowed to dyno 2 times a weekend, any extra trips to the dyno are $20 each.
  • No points will be awarded unless full membership is paid at first pull.
  • MTTPA membership and insurance must be paid in full to pull at the first event attending.
  • Quebec (ASTTQ) or MSPA membership will be welcome, but not recognized/accepted. Interested competitors must purchase an MTTPA membership to compete at any MTTPA event.

MTTPA Contact Information




Randy Shaw


Jacob Horsnell

Vice President

Megan Graham


Chelsey Taylor


Scott Seeley

Tech Man

Justin Peters Dyno Official  

Event voting members

Event Club Rep Email Club Rep Email

Grand Falls, NB

Sylvie Michaud

Troy Green

Centreville, NB

Byron McGrath Kevin Taylor

Woodstock, NB

Graham Briggs

Judd Grant


Crapaud, PE

Jason Webster

Jamie Thompson
Caribou, Maine Troy Mann    
Petitcodiac, NB Wayne Smitih    

Event Details

Friday, August 2nd, 2024 at 4:00 PM
Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 3:00 PM
Rain Date: Sunday, August 4th, 2024.

Weekend Passes: Adults: $40.00 / Age 6-11: $15.00
Daily Passes: Adults: $25.00 / Age 6-11: $10.00
**Children aged 5 and under admitted for free**
Gates open at 12:00 Noon Daily

Contact Us

20560 Trans Canada Highway
Crapaud, PE, C0A 1J0